Recomandare de weekend: Cele mai bune filme ale ultimilor 120 de ani

Publicat pe 16.10.2014 la 18:42 Actualizat pe 16.10.2014 la 19:16

Te-ai săturat de pelicule mediocre și vrei crema cremelor în materie de filme? Ei bine, un utilizator de Reddit entuziasmat a realizat o compilație a celor mai lăudate filme pe IMDB în ultimul secol!

Te-ai săturat de pelicule mediocre și vrei crema cremelor în materie de filme? Ei bine, un utilizator de Reddit entuziasmat a realizat o compilație a celor mai lăudate filme pe IMDB în ultimul secol!

Adunând rating-urile tuturor filmelor pe ani (a luat în considerare numai notele de 9/10 și 10/10) din IMDb, cinefilul a făcut topul lor din anul 1894:

2013: Gravity

2012: The Dark Knight Rises

2011: The Intouchables

2010: Inception

2009: Inglourious Basterds

2008: The Dark Knight

2007: No Country for Old Men

2006: The Departed

2005: Batman Begins

2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2003: The Return of the King

2002: The Two Towers

2001: The Fellowship of the Ring

2000: Memento

1999: Fight Club

1998: Saving Private Ryan

1997: Titanic

1996: Trainspotting

1995: Se7en

1994: The Shawshank Redemption

1993: Schindler’s List

1992: Reservoir Dogs

1991: The Silence of the Lambs

1990: Goodfellas

1989: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

1988: Die Hard

1987: Full Metal Jacket

1986: Aliens

1985: Back to the Future

1984: The Terminator

1983: Return of the Jedi

1982: Blade Runner

1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark

1980: The Empire Strikes Back

1979: Alien

1978: The Deer Hunter

1977: Star Wars

1976: Taxi Driver

1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

1974: The Godfather: Part II

1973: The Exorcist

1972: The Godfather

1971: A Clockwork Orange

1970: Patton

1969: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey

1967: The Graduate

1966: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

1965: For a Few Dollars More

1964: Dr. Strangelove

1963: The Great Escape

1962: Lawrence of Arabia

1961: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

1960: Psycho

1959: North by Northwest

1958: Vertigo

1957: 12 Angry Men

1956: The Searchers

1955: The Night of the Hunter

1954: Seven Samurai

1953: Roman Holiday

1952: Singin’ in the Rain

1951: A Streetcar Named Desire

1950: Sunset Blvd.

1949: The Third Man

1948: Bicycle Thieves

1947: Miracle on 34th Street

1946: It’s a Wonderful Life

1945: Brief Encounter

1944: Double Indemnity

1943: Shadow of a Doubt

1942: Casablanca

1941: Citizen Kane

1940: The Great Dictator

1939: The Wizard of Oz

1938: Bringing Up Baby

1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

1936: Modern Times

1935: Bride of Frankenstein

1934: It Happened One Night

1933: King Kong

1932: Freaks

1931: City Lights

1930: All Quiet on the Western Front

1929: Un chien andalou

1928: The Passion of Joan of Arc

1927: Metropolis

1926: The General

1925: The Gold Rush

1924: Sherlock Jr.

1923: Safety Last!

1922: Nosferatu

1921: The Kid

1920: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

1919: Broken Blossoms

1918: A Dog’s Life

1917: The Immigrant

1916: Intolerance

1915: The Birth of a Nation

1914: Tillie’s Punctured Romance

1913: Fantomas

1912: The Revenge of a Kinematograph Cameraman

1911: Winsor McCay, the Famous Cartoonist of the N.Y. Herald and His Moving Comics

1910: Frankenstein

1909: The Devilish Tenant

1908: Fantasmagorie

1907: Ben Hur

1906: Dream of a Rarebit Fiend

1905: Le diable noir

1904: The Impossible Voyage

1903: The Great Train Robbery

1902: A Trip to the Moon

1901: The India Rubber Head

1900: The One-Man Band

1899: The Kiss in the Tunnel

1898: Four Heads Are Better Than One

1897: Leaving Jerusalem by Railway

1896: Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat

1895: Employees Leaving the Lumière Factory

1894: Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze

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Recomandare de weekend: Cele mai bune filme ale ultimilor 120 de ani

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