E oficial! Una din cele mai indragite perechi din showbiz, Brad Pitt si Angelina Jolie, se va casatori in perioada urmatoare! Informatia vine chiar de la jumatatea masculina a cuplului, care. la premiera noului sau film "Killing Them Softly" a declarat ca el si partenera sa se vor casatori "in curand", relateaza The Sun.
"Copiii pun din ce in ce mai multe presiuni pe noi si e ceva ce vreau sa fac in timpul vietii lor, dar de asemenea simt si ca a sosit momentul", a spus Brad Pitt. Actorul a mai adaugat ca "Se apropie timpul. Va avea loc in curand. Am o presimtire buna legata de asta".
Acest comentariu contrazice de fapt o declaratie pe care starul din "Fight Club" a dat-o la inceputul zilei, in care a fost mult mai retinut in aceea ce priveste detaliile casatoriei cu logodnica sa. "Chiar nu am fixat (o data). Nu stiu ce se va intampla peste doua saptamani. Cu siguranta n-am idee ce va aduce noul an", a spus Brad in aceeasi zi.
Sex-simbolul de 48 de ani a cerut-o in casatorie pe Angelina, in varsta de 37 de ani, in primavara acestui an, desi cei doi jurasera ca nu vor deveni sot si sotie pana cand casnicia intre persoane de acelasi sex nu va fi legala in toate cele 50 de state americane.
Cuplul este impreuna din 2005, cand s-au cunoscut pe platourile de filmare ale peliculei "Domnul si doamna Smith" (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) si au impreuna sase copii: Maddox, Pax si Zahara, in varsta de 11, opt si sapte ani - adoptati -, Shiloh, in varsta de sase ani, si gemenii de patru ani Knox si Vivienne - copii naturali.
sursa foto: hepta.ro
He said: “I am getting more pressure from my kids, and it is something I want to do within their lifetime, but I also feel like the time has come.”
Brad – who’s been in London shooting zombie flick World War Z – added: “The time is nigh. It's soon. I got a good feeling about it.”
His comments contradict an interview he gave earlier in the day, in which he was far more vague about the couple's marital plans.
He revealed: “We really don't (have a date). I don't know what's going to happen in two weeks.
“I certainly don't know what the new year is going to bring!”
The screen heart-throb, 48, proposed to Angelina, 37, in spring this year – despite vowing they wouldn’t walk down the aisle until same-sex marriage was legal in all 50 US states.
The couple have been dating for seven years after becoming romantically involved on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith in 2005.
They have six children together – Maddox, 11, Pax, eight, Zahara, seven, Shiloh, six, and four-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/4669034/brad-pitt-to-wed-angelina-jolie.html#ixzz2DRrbA6Px
He said: “I am getting more pressure from my kids, and it is something I want to do within their lifetime, but I also feel like the time has come.”
Brad – who’s been in London shooting zombie flick World War Z – added: “The time is nigh. It's soon. I got a good feeling about it.”
His comments contradict an interview he gave earlier in the day, in which he was far more vague about the couple's marital plans.
He revealed: “We really don't (have a date). I don't know what's going to happen in two weeks.
“I certainly don't know what the new year is going to bring!”
The screen heart-throb, 48, proposed to Angelina, 37, in spring this year – despite vowing they wouldn’t walk down the aisle until same-sex marriage was legal in all 50 US states.
The couple have been dating for seven years after becoming romantically involved on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith in 2005.
They have six children together – Maddox, 11, Pax, eight, Zahara, seven, Shiloh, six, and four-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/4669034/brad-pitt-to-wed-angelina-jolie.html#ixzz2DRrbA6Px
He said: “I am getting more pressure from my kids, and it is something I want to do within their lifetime, but I also feel like the time has come.”
Brad – who’s been in London shooting zombie flick World War Z – added: “The time is nigh. It's soon. I got a good feeling about it.”
His comments contradict an interview he gave earlier in the day, in which he was far more vague about the couple's marital plans.
He revealed: “We really don't (have a date). I don't know what's going to happen in two weeks.
“I certainly don't know what the new year is going to bring!”
The screen heart-throb, 48, proposed to Angelina, 37, in spring this year – despite vowing they wouldn’t walk down the aisle until same-sex marriage was legal in all 50 US states.
The couple have been dating for seven years after becoming romantically involved on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith in 2005.
They have six children together – Maddox, 11, Pax, eight, Zahara, seven, Shiloh, six, and four-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/4669034/brad-pitt-to-wed-angelina-jolie.html#ixzz2DRrbA6Px